These goofballs met me at the airport
I got to Texas just in time to celebrate Halloween
with my sweeties
Jack kept loosing his hat so a friend wore it for him |
Then they wanted me to unpack
She wasn't feeling great and
wouldn't leave my side |
Meanwhile in Maryland
Will Riker |
Aunt Nenni made Ella's Merida costume |
Aunt Chel, |
I slept in bed with Lily and she started feeling worse
She was coughing and weezing
so I carried her into her parents at 5am
and off to the ER she went
just croup they said, just? |
She felt better but we tried to keep our activities low key
So mostly just hanging out
Shawn was tired the next day so he took a nap on the love seat at lunch |
They both wanted to sleep with me, Why not?
Shawn heard her coughing again before he went to bed
Then they got a prescription for steroids |
Jack and I were always the first up
Loved our quite time together
Then it was Mommy's birthday
So, breakfast in bed
Poor baby |
She felt much better after a shower
Get ready for Thanksgiving
She felt so good she was eating Chinese leftovers cold.
Look, a heart |
Then we decorated the Christmas tree
Jack and I worked on the veggies while everyone else napped
and then we ate
and had birthday cake
the next day started with birthday cake for breakfast |
then we got ready for church |
I tried taking a nice family picture but
somehow I got fingerprints on the lens of my camera |
Then out to dinner at a great Mexican place
and off to the mall
still not realizing there were fingerprints on my lens
and since they never got around to decorating their pumpkins
we thought what the heck
Then we made goo
We thought we would get away without
cutting open the pumpkins
What were we thinking?
The next morning they both got up early
so we made fruit salad for breakfast
Then we bopped around town
I got him this $1 worth of goop and he was still playing with it
when I left him at the airport |
Old Fort Bliss
We ran into some fellow home schoolers there |
and she got a $4 doll, go figure |
off to the mall
The next morning I had to leave
They came to the airport with me
there's that goop again |
It's so hard saying good bye
Until December then