Pictures, Pictures and more pictures. It seems like with each generation it becomes easier to document our day to day activities. I wonder what it will be like when our sweeties are grown and have children and grandchildren of their own.
There are so few pictures of me. Being the youngest of five and all born within six years life just got in the way. I remember my mom having to roll the black and white film into her 'Brownie' camera, holding the camera down waist high and looking at the reflection of what she wanted to take and that flash, wow.
This picture means so much to me.
Me and my mom and both grandmothers.
I want our sweeties to have great pictures like these
Sometimes though I get so vane about how I look
that I delete the pictures before anyone can see them |
I don't remember the moments of these pictures but
I do still have that blanket that's on the back of the chair
that my parents made together shortly after they were married |
That brings us to now
When we take pictures with not only our camera
but our phones, no film needed.
The kids have been taking pictures themselves for years.
I got my first camera in 8th grade
It had drop in film and cube flashbulbs
Ron had a 'good' camera for the times and in 1978 when we got married he took the pictures at our wedding. Although he took good pictures they weren't professional and I do wish I hadn't gone cheap on that part of the wedding. Although we only had $500 and 6 weeks to plan but that's a story for a different day. Here's a teaser though.
Wyatt and Piper dressed in costumes from Jack & Lily's stash
since they were already at our house for the day |
On to present day and the excessive amount of pictures.
We continue to stay busy
Starting with this first set from the play Harriet's Halloween
that we see every year in costume
Look, Michele has the same costume as Sami |
The play was at the community college and the seats double duty as desks
The kids love them |
Then to McDonald's for a snack
The next set of pictures is from a birthday party at and ice rink
Rainbow Lily |
Wyatt loved it! |
Sami |
Piper didn't like it as much as her brother
Lily Bean
Ella and Mommy |
Thomas and Jack
I stayed in my shoes and kept Miss Molly Marie company
Ella is starting to like her baby sister |
Even with Aunt Natalie's help Piper still wasn't having it
Sami wants to take lessons
Charlie totaled another car the night before.
Fell asleep again. He's using a CPAP machine now
and has dropped 30 pounds
Long way to go yet but he's on the right path |
Then there's just the hanging around the house pictures
and guess which diet I am on
Natalie was nice enough to bring me these Bob Bons not knowing I was dieting |
and back in the day this would have been a waste of film but hey . . .
Actually these came off my phone.
Charlie and I were trying to help each other diet
by letting each other know what we were eating
and this is the diet Tom is on
Actually this is his stash for the kids |
You guessed it, ATKINS
Lost 9 pounds
Tom and I went to Ripken Stadium to watch the Oriels
in the play offs on the big screen
and drink some beer
They Lost |
I spent a couple of mornings with my redhead sweeties,
getting them ready for school when Daddy was on
an over night field trip with the 5th graders
Another outfit made by Mommy
The camouflage s is because the school has a theme this year
The pink is, well Lily |
Book Club
It took Jen two years to finish knitting this rainbow sweater.
It is gorgeous! |
The girls ready for school in front of their house |
Book Club at school is every Tuesday.
Someone comes in and has lunch with them and reads a book
Usually Jennifer and Papa |
After three months we got Brutus back
Originally we left him with Charlie and Michele
but Michele got herself a German Shepherd puppy
I guess she didn't think Brutus was protection enough for her
She may be right
The kids love him
We were really close to getting a puppy
before we knew he was coming home.
It sure is nice to have one that's already broken in
"throw the ball!" |
She is on his bed |
More hanging out pictures
Miss Molly Marie is growing so fast.
She is 4 months old and weighs 13 pounds
She rolls from her stomach to her back
She smiles and giggles and coos
She DROOLS a lot |
Apple Smiles |
These boys move so quick it's hard to catch them
Mommy and Lily Bean went on a field trip with her class
the boys are already chasing her |
and this is what Charlie said he had for lunch one day, oh Charlie
Seriously though he has cut out all fast food and is down 30 pounds |
This is one of the gifts we got Piper for her birthday
She is 4 now |
We all went to a Halloween Party at our Residents Club
I love it when we can all get together
Our blue cat and her mouse
Jennifer put the costume together for her |
Fishing for stuffed animals
Lily was a TARDIS from Dr,Who
Jennifer made it also |
Miss Molly Marie was an M&M (get it? Molly Marie)
also made by Jennifer |
and Jack finally lost his first tooth
He was late getting them too at 11 months
He was already walking and talking
I know I've said it before but he looks so much like Thomas did
Now I need to download the Halloween pictures
and whatever else I have on my phone and camera.
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
You can never have enough pictures