A side note before I start, I'm going to make a link with a family tree of sorts so that when I mention someone you can go to the link and see who they are and how they are related.
We found out this morning that Grandpap is in the hospital again. He has a lot of damage to his heart and it looks like his time is limited but it could be tomorrow or years from tomorrow. We've been through this twice already, with my parents. It's hard to know what to do when someone calls and says your parent is in the hospital and you are 6 hours away and have other responsibilities. I'm sure I'll touch on these feelings again since the experience was so major in my life. I know everyone looses their parents but that doesn't make it any easier. Anyway back to this week end, since Monday is President's Day and a day off for Pops we decided to take the drive to Ohio and check things out for ourselves AND since Ella's parent's are going away for the week end and we were going to take care of her anyway we will be taking her with us. She LOVES to go to Ohio. She loves to go anywhere and for now we take her whenever the opportunity arises. The bigger deal though is Jack's parents are going to let us take HIM too! As sad as it is to watch your parents die somehow having your grandchildren with you makes it more bearable. HE is looking forward to seeing them and we're looking forward to showing them off. Some people think we are crazy for taking the kids without their parents. We just feel lucky! These kids have touched our hearts more than we thought anything could. We spend enough time with them on a day to day basis that we know their likes and dislikes and their habits well enough not to stress over having them on our own. We are very grateful to their parents for letting us have so much to do with their lives.
Charlie & Michele are anxious to show off Wyatt so they are already on their way to Ohio. look for some good family pictures when we get back. Here's a link to Wyatt and his parents first professional pictures http://www.printroom.com/ViewGallery.asp?evgroupid=0&userid=tfraer&gallery_id=1402931
OK, so you can see how this whole thing gets emotions so conflicted. We're excited yet we're worried about Grandpap & Ruth too. We're not ready to let go of another parent just yet. When it's his time we know he's ready, he's made his peace with God and knows there is a place for him in heaven. I don't think it's his time but it has made us realize it's time for a visit and we're going to make it a good one.
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