Things here have been pretty routine. Tom is 5 weeks post op and is feeling pretty good. The first nice day we had he was out in the yard using the weed eater. Yesterday he drove for the first time and he even vacuumed the carpet this morning. He is still doing his
BLT's, no Bending, Lifting or Twisting. He feels less pain than before the surgery so that's already a success. He's frustrated though that he can't help completely with Samantha. I can't really leave them alone because he can't lift her yet. I'm still taking
Sami with me to take Ella to school in the morning too except for this morning when Jen brought Jack & Lily by early to visit. She stayed while I took Ella to school. They stayed until lunch so that Jack &
Sami could play and
PaPa got some bonding with Lily.
He didn't want to wait for me to move the farm to the floor. I never realized sitting in it but my living room looks like a day care.
Jack's own Dinosaur Train
I gave them ONE bowl of goldfish and while Jen & I were chatting somehow they got into the cupboard and got a few more bowls to sort. They had them everywhere by the time they were done. Still not sure what the thought was here.
The only grandchild he can lift to date. Next Friday our newest granddaughter is scheduled to be born.
Lily is our fifth grandchild to use this $30 high chair from Ikea. We never thought it would get so much use or we might have bought a nicer one.
oops, Mommy realized she didn't have her flower on. PaPa calls her his little peach pit since all her hair fell out and now she just has fuzz. We may have our third redheaded granddaughter after all. Time will tell.
Then the "big kids" had a snack. Sami gave up her high chair for Lily and Jack gave up his booster for Sami. Sorry about the sewing machine. I just got done making Jen a medeival cape to wear to the Ren Fest this week end. We do have two spare bedrooms, you would think I'd have space there to sew.
Here are a couple of pictures from earlier in the week. Tomorrow Ella is off school so we'll be a little busier :)

No Wonder I Can Never Find My Keys!

She's a lover. She loves her babies as much as her trucks and dinosaurs. These are the days . . .