Wednesday, July 6, 2011
4th of July in Ohio
Since Charlie and Michele didn't make it to Gettysburg for Father's Day we had to take the bull by the horns and go to Ohio if we wanted to see Wyatt & Piper. It was Ella's turn to come along.
We met them in PA at the Tanger outlets so Tom could go to the Converse Store to exchange the shoes I got him for Father's Day for a pair that fit. These look just like the canvas All Stars but they're leather. He loves them.I got some quick shopping in at OshKosh and Children's Place but this little man just wanted to ride and that was fine with us.Ella jumped in the Ice Cream truck when she saw it had a cash register. She wants to grow up and be a cashier.Love that face! Piper didn't mind shopping as much as long as someone was holding her.The men went over to the toy store while us girls looked at clothes. They showed up with this 4 foot doll for Ella but when she saw it she thought it was for Piper and was so excited when she realized it was hers. Nice purse Charlie.The three of us stayed in a hotel for two nights. We've been taking Ella with us since she was a toddler and she loves the pampering.I met up with my sisters for church and breakfast so Papa got Ella ready and they had breakfast at the hotel and met Charlie, Michele, the kids and Great Grandpap & Grandma Ruth for church.Then I hooked up with them for a second breakfast.Tom called Michele a movie star since she wore her sunglasses inside all through breakfast.Piper is becoming great at self feeding.It has been such a routine to take a picture here, Ella was looking for the camera as soon as we started saying good bye.Then Tom and I took the three kids and Charlie and Michele over to a little amusement park about a half hour away. My sisters remember going there when we were little and I remember going with my parents and sister,Kim, with her daughter. Erin. and then her and my dad took her granddaughter. Aislinn. The rides are for kids BELOW this bunny's arm level. Ella loves bunnies so she thought it was great.She was excited to ride the horse with Ariel painted on it's side, SEE.Ella was on the borderline of being to big for the rides but she went on all of them to watch out after Wyatt. She's a great big cousin.This roller coaster was the hit of the day. The only ride adults could go on. That's Michele and Wyatt in the front car. He LOVED it. That's Ella and I in the second car. Me, not so much. Tom, no way!Piper was so good all day. Tom kept saying she looked like his Grandma Ulicne in her babushkaSomeday, before we know it THAT will be a real car.Look at that big girl sharing water with Papa.
Then to dinner at Steak N Shake, Tom's favorite place to eat in Ohio.Then back to the hotel.We checked out the next morning and met Charlie, Michele and the kids at the mall to see Cars2. All three kids fell asleep during the movie. Busy week end I guess.Of course Wyatt had to go on the rides at the mall and Piper rode along.Ella needed a trim so we jumped in and got it done real quick.Then off to a late lunch.Tom was having fun taking pictures of this beauty with his new phone.I had to get a picture of Papa taking a picture.Ella brought along an airplane making book and her and Aunt Chel worked on them for awhile.Wyatt was excited too. "To Infinity and Beyond!"Then we were off to the park (about a mile away) for some games, snacks, sand castles, ducks and then fireworks.These two were cracking each other up the whole way.Chasing lightning bugs. The Fourth wouldn't be the same without that!The fireworks didn't start until after 10 but they were well worth waiting for.We spent the night at Charlie & Michele's house before heading home the next morning.
Wyatt was restless so he and Papa slept on the couch. I don't think either one minded too much. We'll be back in three weeks for Piper's baptism.
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