I Hope You Dance
I've always tried to teach my kids to dance in the rain. When they were young we actually danced in the rain and when they got older I hope I showed them by my words and actions how to make the best out every situation. Recently it's been hard. I've actually become lost for words when trying to give them advice.
Just a little update.
Shawn got a call from his new unit and they wanted him to report a month early, March 5th. He got it pushed until the day after Jack's birthday though. He'll be leaving the day after his son turns four. He'll spend a couple of months before and after his nine month deployment with his new unit. Keeping this young family apart for most of a full year. How do I tell Jennifer to dance in the rain when her husband as a Mental Health Specialist is in the front line of a battle zone trying to make sure those soldiers have someone to talk to?
Charlie has a chance to stay in the same job field and get a job that is just a job to support his young family or take this opportunity to go to school and learn to do something he'd enjoy. He has a job interview on Monday. Time will tell. As for Jennifer she tells the kids Daddy is going on an adventure and they get to live with Grams and Pops, what fun.
Thomas in the mean time has embraced his love for God and will be in Africa for the next week. http://thomas-dennison.blogspot.com/.
Come to think of it as I write this I realize my kids ARE dancing in the rain. I love you guys and am very proud of you.