This week held some great times and great news! We found out that Thomas was selected as one of the top ten teachers in the county. He's in the running for teacher of the year! Of course it was also a big week because John Robert turned TWO on St. Patrick's Day. Then Charlie and Michele brought Wyatt for a visit and brought news that he will be a big brother in October. It's a good thing that I passed my stress test because my heart feels so full it could explode!
Here is the new "big brother to be" sporting his new hair cut that Pops & I took him for and he screamed, not cried screamed through. More than he cried for that huge knot he is also now sporting after taking a nose dive on the concrete at John Robert's birthday party trying to keep up with the "big kids".
The Birthday Boy. He is two now and wearing a size 3T/4T and size 8 1/2 shoe.
. . and here is our nine month old red head. Still no teeth but she's getting pretty good at her "low crawl". I never saw a baby do this until John Robert and now Sami.
Jen made EVERYTHING green for John Robert's birthday. Including this green cake with green icing.
John Robert enjoyed his cake too (not sure what is up with his eyes in this picture). I made everyone stop singing so I could video it and MY BATTERIES DIED.
The bubbles were improptu but the weather was so nice she broke into the Easter bunny's stash and the kids love love loved them.
You can't see it here but we bought John Robert a tux (tails no less) for his birthday outfit. Check thier blog for formal pictures.
Of course leave it to the kindergaten teacher of the year to use any opportunity to teach. I'm not quite sure what he's showing them on his phone but it looks pretty interesting.
We had a cook out at Thomas & Natalie's for Charlie & Michele's visit. Yum, chicken kabobs. Ella ate the red peppers and I was suppose to eat the onions and chicken.
We had it at Thomas's because last year Tom burt up our grill and we just never replaced it. To tell you the truth with Thomas around there's no reason. He's a GREAT bar B Q er.
Come on in Jack. Doesn't he look so old?
Ella had such a good time being one of the big kids. She will be 6 in July and has always been small for her age but she went from being the only grandchild, niece to the oldest of 4 soon to be six in two quick years and she is the BEST at being the oldest.

Then there was our weekly trip to Chuckee Cheese on St. Patrick's Day
Doesn't Wyatt look like a big brother already sitting at the table like a big boy?
Sami and Wyatt love each other. They each think the other is a baby. Sami is nine months and 19 pounds and Wyatt is 14 months and 21 pounds.