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Monday, May 24, 2010

Another Busy Week but No Baby

The week started off with me using a third of my liquid esophagus medicine in 6 days. It's suppose to last for thirty days and at this rate I won't even be close to having enough and with a $50 Co-Pay it irritates me to say the least.
With the warmer weather comes strawberry picking season. We put it off last year and missed the whole two week picking season so we were out there on the first day . . . the second day . . . the third day. Now they know us on sight. We still aren't tired of them

Later in the week Ella thought we should have a tea party. Sammi kept spilling the "tea" so I just pulled her chair into the living room and let her join us then Ella took a couple of pictures.

The next day she thought we should snack outside
and pulled out every unhealthy snack we had in the house.

We also spent some time putting together this 150 piece puzzle.
She did most of it herself!

We ended the week with a week end trip to PA to see Tom's stepfather (That sounds so weird but I think "his mom's husband" sound impersonal. They were married after Tom left home so we never really got close to him). He had a near death experience with an aneurysm (only 1 in 10 live through this type) but he is doing so well we saw him come home.
Charlie only lives about 2 and a half hours from PA so
I called him and had them meet us there for the day. It was nice to get in a quick visit with Wyatt. Great Grandpap & Great Grandma were happy to see him too.

There's always got to be a cookie involved.
While we were in PA we got a call from Jennifer saying she was on the way to the hospital. Her due date is May 28th and after a nap she had some bleeding and the baby hadn't been moving. We were all scared for a while but after a trip to the hospital they decided that it was just normal signs of imminent labor so then we got excited. We made it home in record time and took possession of this big boy
Labor didn't happen last night so we had to give him back. Hopefully my next post will be about the birth of his sister.

1 comment:

  1. HI!!!!
    Those are some of the most fun things to do, doing things kids will treasure forever!!!Picking fresh strawberries, OH gosh I love those!!!!
    tea parties, love that too, and the junk food, all my favs, DOTS!!!!I spotted that!!!!
    I am excited for your new granddaughter, but boy they are all so cute, the girls and the boys!!!
    fun times!!!
