Our granddaughter,Samantha, turned one! Since her birthday fell on a week day her parents had to work so Pops and I got to start the birthday girl's day with her.
We started the day with breakfast at Waffle House.

Then we took her shopping and let her pick out her first "baby".
At dinner time we all met over her house and I got to cuddle with our newest granddaughter.
They had a pasta bar & the kids really enjoyed it!
Sami had a special appetizer,shrimp, her favorite.
Then it was present time.

Aunt Nenni & Uncle Shawn got her this cute outfit. We'll have to save it for their daughter's first birthday too.
Aunt Nenni made the huge cupcake & I made the "smash cake" and extra cupcakes. We had Uncle Chuckles, Aunt Chel & Wyatt on the phone singing Happy Birthday with us. Then Wyatt heard PaPa's voice and had to talk to him.
John Robert thought his Daddy's cake looked better than his.

Then we took her shopping and let her pick out her first "baby".

She'll be having a big "Block Party" later on this summer, when it's convenient for everyone to be here, CAN'T WAIT!