We started out the week with a new toy. A train table! With my Kohl's cash and 30% off coupon it was less than $100. Tom got most of it put together but Sami was anxi1ous to play. . .
The bridge doesn't even have a road but she doesn't care.
When Michele and Wyatt came over Sunday she graciously offered to put the track down. Thanks Michele
She was very proud of her work and thinks we should glue it together because the first thing Wyatt wanted to do was take it apart. It's ok Wyatt. I did visualize all the pieces staying in the two drawers underneath but Wyatt had the airplane upstairs in the first 5 minutes. We'll see if this was a smart purchase.
On to more fun stuff! Michele, Wyatt & Piper are ending their week in MD so they came over for a visit. We went to church (where Wyatt slept and Piper did NOT) Then we met the rest of the family at the bowling alley for a coupleof hours.
I didn't realize how silly she looks with her binky. She usually only uses it to sleep and by this time it was way past nap time.
Piper was a bit fussy so we all just passed her around. We didn't mind at all.
and Lily was her smiley old self
Jack and Wyatt don't even need money to have fun

but Ella does, that's when you know they are getting old
Is that pizza crust yummy, Lily?

Here Grams, have a bite

We thought it was great that Lily was so interested in Piper
but then we realized she just wanted her binky
Piper finally fell asleep for a whole half an hour. Poor Michele, she said she had been up since 4:30 with only cat naps
We bowled for an hour and only got ONE game in, wonder why
Jack & Wyatt , love those boys
Ella is such a great big cousin
Papa helped Wyatt and he loved it. He would make sound effects of the ball going down the alley and then yell BOOM when they hit

(Piper with Uncle Shawn)
Piper with Uncle Tommy
They had a ramp for the kids to drop their ball down and bunpers, what fun!