He's not suppose to lift her so I bring her to him and
she eats and they talk for an hour or so a couple of times a day.
She's great medicine.

He really is doing much better. He's still on the oxycoton but is cutting back. We're hoping he can wean off his dependancy to pain relievers since he's been taking them for 5 years but it's still too soon to tell. The muscle relaxers are helping his pain more right now but they put him to sleep. We both have appointments to see our Primary doctor next Wednesday (I haven't been since my dad's incompitent doctors shortened his life but that is a story for another day). He'll be getting his normal bloodwork done then too and we'll find out if his kidney's have stablized. He's had diminishing kidney function for almost a year now, I think because of the meds he's been on. He has his follow up with the nuerologist on November 11th-Veteran's Day. He'll have x-rays to show if the graph took.