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Monday, July 6, 2009

Life is a Journey Not a Destination

WOW, I guess I should have known how hard it was going to be to have Charlie, Michele & Wyatt move away. They are so excited and it's a great opportunity for them. I just can't stop crying and I don't want them to see me upset. Thomas & Jennifer and of course Tom are also rightly upset. We were finally living all together in harmony and this rocks the boat. I think they are all a bit upset with me because I'm supporting this move. I guess they all remember how upset I was (which is an understatement believe me) when the only choice left for Jen & Shawn was to move to Kansas and Thomas wanted to take time off from working and take his family to Kentucky. My mother's heart just tells me THIS move is what needs to happen. Charlie seems to really know what he wants and is going after it. How could I not be happy for him when he & Michele are so happy. I hope it's everything they want it to be.
Tom and I have moved some 16 times in almost 31 years of marriage. We lived as close as walking distance to my parents and as far away as Germany. I wish I could talk to my parents now and see how they managed. I know they were never happy about it but we weren't a family for sharing feelings. As I look back now I realize that those moves that we were most dreading were some of the best times in our lives. Of course some times weren't so good and I like to say those were the times that made us the people we are now but Tom & I never wanted our children to have to have as many hard times as we did though. I hope this is just part of Charlie & Michele's journey and not their destination. We all still have journeys of our own and I hope they intertwine.

1 comment:

  1. HI again,
    OK< how sad is this going to be for everyone in your family. I know, my middle daughter lives in Orlando, and she LOVES working for Disneyworld, but wishes everyday it was here in our state. Every family get together is like a stab to her heart, I talking even dinner at our house on Tuesday nights, every time she sees the blog, she mentions how good it looks and she would love to have been included, our children have to grow and spread their wings as painful as it is for us too. I also pray that Stacie in Orlando is just on a journey and not destined for Florida forever. Is she were to get married and have children that far away it would Kill me.
    I will keep Praying for your family and that this will transition easily.
