John Robert aka JACK 16 months
Last week we went to Ohio with one of the last loads of furniture for Wyatt & his family. Thomas & his family met us there and we had a great time but . . . Thomas then took his family including our two granddaughters to Kentucky for TWO WEEKS. We then made plans to all meet up again in Ohio on August 15
th. In one fell swoop we went from 5 grandchildren(including the 2 year old, Chloe, that Jennifer watches and who calls us Grams & Pops ) to only the
cutie pie above because even Chloe was on vacation this week. It's been great to spend one on one time with Jen & Jack but I can't wait to have my
chaos back. I've actually been having slight anxiety attacks with so much time on my hands. Not to fear I HAVE been busy.

Things we have gotten Ella while she was gone and look at that TINY pile next to my sewing machine. I even got some Christmas gifts made!

We got a new toddler bed to replace the day bed that we took to Charlie last week end. It came in a LOT of pieces and Brutus was no help.

This is the after, it only took Tom about an hour. Now I hope Ella will sleep in it and not think she's too big.

We also have the room set up for taking care of Samantha since her mother will be going back to work on the 26
th. I will be using a combination of cloth and disposables.

Our stockpile

grandkids clothes. It's always good to have some here. Did I ever mention I have a problem with over buying kids clothes?

The kitchen is ALMOST ready. We still need more bottles. Seems that the Playtex
Ventaire wide mouth bottles are hard to find.

The living room is ready too.

I even had time to sand and paint the swing.

and of course there's Charlie's cat K.T. who has made her self right at home to keep Tom & I company.
Oh ya, I got my hair cut up to my shoulders. I'll post a picture when I can but I HATE getting my picture taken.