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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Trip to Ohio with Jack

Another three day week end so off to Ohio we go. Last time we took Ella so this time we took Jack and what a good choice. When we got there Wyatt ran right past us to give Jack a great big hug. It looks like the DVD player kept him occupied but not so much.

I ended up sitting in the back with him and playing.

Our first stop was "the shop", my brothers' body shop.

We thought we'd see both of my brothers but Matthew had just left.

Jack enjoyed seeing all the broken cars. The chocolate donuts Uncle Mark offered him were a big hit too.

He is so into cars right now, he didn't know what to do first, picking up tools and scoping out dents until he dropped a tool on his hand, not exactly a safe environment even with one of us standing right next to him. LOL

He wanted so bad for this wheel to be back on the car where it belonged. I thought this discarded door would look great hanging on Jack's bedroom wall but Papa said it wouldn't fit in the car. Next stop, dinner with Wyatt and family. I felt sorry for the people sitting around us, the boys were so excited.
Piper had to model the new outfit that Aunt Nenni(aka Jennifer) made for her.

No, the picture is not sideways on purpose. I didn't edit these before I posted them

After dinner Jack wanted to get to Wyatt so badly that he crawled under the table to him.
Then we went to the hotel where Jack spent an hour fishing.

Best dollar we ever spent.

The next morning we met up at the hotel pool.

Uncle Chuckles & Jack's favorite thing to do was kick their feet and splash when anyone would come near.

Back to the room to get dried off then out to The Texas Roadhouse. We love their steak!
and their salad
and their onion
and each other
Then back to "Wyatt's house" to nap and play. Jack said they lived in the forest, I guess because the century old home is banked by mature trees and ivy?

Wyatt didn't sleep on the makeshift bed in his sister's room but on the footstool.

Yes, he is sound asleep!

and so are Papa and Piper

Then off to mall, where the library was, yes I said the library

IN the mall. Very strange. I don't think I've ever been in a mall like this one. Not much else but the library and a couple of clothing stores. Oh ya and a theatre which was steps from our hotel.

The next day we met Grandpap and Grandma Ruth at church

and then went to breakfast with them.

Brother & sister and their pretty blue eyes!

After breakfast we were off to another mall a bit farther away giving the kids a chance to nap. This mall has a play area for the boys where we spent most of the afternoon.

Wyatt loved the train even though he just sat there as it went around in circles, asking for more every time it would stop. Wonder what he was thinking.

This car was the hit of the day, although Wyatt never did figure out how to get out unless you count crawling out. They even both got in it at the same time at one point.

We took a break to have a snack and walk around the mall.

It wouldn't be a trip to the mall without a stop at "Lids"
or a few coins in the fountain

Piper was an angel!

Charlie & the boys

Then Ohio showed it's true side!

Then we had to say good bye until next month. Wyatt cries now when we leave, I don't like it very much. so we didn't go back in the morning to just say good bye again. it was a great visit with alot of quality time.
Then back to the hotel for a sleep before an early morning departure
I didn't get much computer time. That's ok though.
He played with his cars every chance he got. Time to go home, Jack.
Wish I could say he slept all the way home but this was just the last hour. He was constantly in motion the whole week end. I'm so glad we took him to visit Wyatt.

I hope they will always be great friends.

1 comment:

  1. HI!!!
    So sorry I have not stopped in to visit, had a bout with influenza!!!|
    OH MY.....
    I still cannot believe you were swimming and then it was snowing!!
    I for one can't imagine swimming knowing it is freezing out side!!!That is so awesome!!
    You do not find to many indoor pools around here!!!
    I love the snow pictures!!!
    I need a refresher course on who belongs to who in your family!!
    I know Ella and Sam are sisters and live near by you.
    I assume Wyatt and piper are brother and sister and live in Ohio, and Wyatt is an only for now!!!
    I think the boy cousins will always be close, my son and nephew neither one had a brother and they have never lived in the same city and they are pretty close.
    What a great trip and SOO glad you take the time to stay close to family, so many do not.
    your family should really appreciate all you do!!
    I have a feeling they do!!
