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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and That-PRICELESS

Today was a very strange day. Tom's usual day to take Ella to school, stop off at Jack & Lily's to play and meet Ella at school for Reading Club. Tuesday is usually a quiet day for me.

Sami got up early this morning so Mommy said she would probably take a morning nap. After a bath I put her in the crib and heard her talk for a half an hour before I gave in and let her get up. So much for computer time for Grams. We played for a while and then I picked up the computer and she learned how to get herself a cup of water, so after showing her where to get a towel and how to clean up the floor (which she enjoyed enough to do again and again) it was lunch time and then nap time.

Then Tom came home and brought Ella with him since there was going to be early dismissal because of a snow storm coming through (which didn't hit until 6 hours later). After enjoying a couple of one on one hours with Ella and then a couple of hours of Ella & I chasing down Sami, Natalie picked them up early (because of early work release for her because of the impending snow).

Then I got some unexpected computer time and came across some pictures from the last couple of weeks that I hadn't posted so it seemed like a great time to share them. Hmmm, I'm thinking I got a bit long winded, oh well . . .


Hot Chocolate at Waffle House.Front row seats at a Christmas play.One on one time with our Little Man

a Lily Smilea doggy kissA granddaughter fresh out of the tubAt any ageA grandson coloring and sharing his markers with his cousinGrandchildren visiting A sleeping granddaughterA granddaughter learning how to crawland learning how to use a cupFirst smiles from our Little P SMILE for the camera Piper! WE ARE BLESSED

1 comment:

  1. HI!!!
    OH MY...LOVE those cutie smiles!!!So sweet, love that doggie kiss!!!So cute!!!
    and sweet babies right out of the bath tub, nothing better!!!What a very fun day for you!!!
    And you get SNOW too!!
    Enjoy your week
